
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rafale : STOBAR compatible

News revealed by Mer et :

After several simulations conducted by Dassault, the Rafale is able, with no modification, to take-off from a ski-jump carrier.

Obviously, they have something in mind for the Indian Navy, since India is the only country equiped with such a carrier to which we would sell Rafale.



  1. Very interessting, a version stobar can be for Brazil and India,and other country, and may be also France for an carrier low cost version,
    like the BPC for supply the CDG. the payload would surely limited vs the catobar version.

  2. It can be a strong potential for increase market with a combination of BPC+rafale stobar

  3. Or even the QE2 carriers of the RN?

  4. The Indian navy has an RFI for 50 fighters that has been sent to Dassault, Lockheed Martin, Saab and EADS. Given how corrupt and slow our government is it could take years for anything to materialize but I suppose it's best to prepare in advance...

  5. This is just impossible ..Rafale will need a modified(more sturdy) LANDING GEAR to be able to land on a SOTOBAR Carrier at-least and a modified FBW software with accurate power control landing as to be able to do a Touch-n-Go if needed.
