
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rafale in the 12F : 10 years already...

Rafale has been in service in the 12F for 10 years now.

The "flotille" painted one of the tail fin with special decoration :

The picture is provided by Mr Stephane Fort, on his Twitter account.

The 12F has participated in all engagements implying Rafale.
It was over Afghanistan in 2002, providing air-defense and, 2 years later, buddy-buddy refuelling (remember that early Rafale M F1 were limited to air-to-air missions).
The standard F1 was declared operational in 2004, and then came the F2 which could deliver GBU-12 and AASM on Afghanistan since March 2007.
Of course, in 2011, 12F flew over Lybia too, delivering Scalp EG for the first time.

Edit : more picture of the event

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