
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Indian ambassador in Paris confirms that negociations are progressing successfully

Mr. Rakesh Sood, Indian ambassador in France, has shown quite reassuring in a new article from Le Parisien.

However, the main point of this article actually provides some hints about why Germans and Russians claimed to be discussing with Indians lately.

The Mr. Reddy's questions have been rejected, but in fact, two members of the
Contract Negociation Commitee have questionned the process too, and AK Anthony won't let any irregularities go through.

There is no illusion : there are still very harsh negotiations ahead, and a communication war is part of the game, hence the Russian and German reactions.

This is in this context that Mr. Rakesh Sood said :

I am sure that our government conducted technological and financial analysis with the greatest rigour. The negotiations are  progressing successfully.

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