
Monday, December 10, 2012

Video, Vishnu Som flies the Rafale Part II

This is the second part of the the Indian TV show "Higher, bigger, faster" about the Rafale.

Vishnu visits the base of Saint Dizier and the 3D design facility in Paris.


  1. I have said this before... and i will reiterate that the Rafale deal with the IAF is in serious trouble and the Indian MoD will soon come out and announce that negotiations have fallen through because of French stubbornness over ToT transfers and licensed manufacturing arrangements with HAL.
    This is eaxctly the kind of attitude that lost
    Dassault the UAE deal and now India.
    Interesting the MoD today dismissed reports that they are considering an FMS deal for F-35s as a backup option for the failed MMRCA negotiations but many in close circles indicate that that might be exactly what could end up happening.

  2. bah! actually in fact, many french/india company are in creation, for rafale, HAL extend factory for rafale, dassault create indian company,
    Thales/reliance, etc ..., i work with india and i know, you are dreaming,
    India reject the F35, no transfert technology, USA help pakistan with money and weapons, F35 is not mature, need to wait 2025 before it become operationnal, it is only a prototyp pre serie, and it doesnt match Indian needs, with its limitations and constraint, to be efficient you need to have F22/F35 couple, rafale dont have this inconvenient, the cost of F35 is scaring for poor features.
