
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mali, Rafale strikes have been successfull

A fully armed Rafale ready for departure
A yesterday article from the New York Times quote locals stating that Rafale strikes have been deadly on islamists positions.

[...] The French attacks on Gao, an insurgent stronghold in the north, were welcomed by Abdheramane Oumarou, a local counselor reached late Sunday after a day of French airstrikes.

“We are in the best of all possible worlds,” he said. “The planes have been circling Gao since 5 this morning. All of the sites they targeted, they hit. The airport. The warehouses, they destroyed them. These were all sites occupied by the Islamists, and they have been totally destroyed.” 

AASM missiles being loaded on a Rafale
“The Islamists are in hiding. There were many dead,” he added. For the first time since the insurgents overran the town last year, “the population of Gao will sleep soundly, and will even snore.” 

In Douentza, a town south of Gao but still inside Islamist-held territory, French strikes have driven the Islamists “into the bush,” said the parliamentary deputy from the region, Fatoumata Dicko. “We are breathing much easier now,” she said.[...]

1 comment:

  1. I’ve always been passionate about aircrafts but only for those intended for travel or exhibits, not for wars. On the other hand, Rafale is a well designed plane, perfect for aviation and military purposes!

    -Aircraft testing @ AvionTEq
