
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Egypt, French President officialy confirms the sale of 24 Rafale

Thursday, February 12th, French President François Hollande has officially announced that Egypt will buy 24 Rafale. The French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian will go to Cairo on Monday February 16th to sign the contract.

Official press release (un-official translation):

"I've been informed today by the Egyptian authorities that they intend to order 24 Rafale fighter jets and one Multi-mission fregate as well as the associated equipements. These equipements will allow Egypt to increase its security and to fulfill its role at the service of the regional stability.
So, The Rafale combat aircraft wins its first export contract.
The [French] state was fully involved in this negiociation and thus allowed the conclusions of this contract.
The signature will happen on February 16th in Cairo and I've asked the French defense minister, Mr. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, to sign in the name of France."

Source :
In the Press :