
Monday, February 2, 2015

Egypt keeps showing interest in the Rafale

President al-Sissi and President Hollande. Paris 11/26/2014
Egypt had express some interest in the Rafale for more than 3 years but it is only since the last visit of Egyptian President al-Sissi in November 2014 that an actual sale could become reality.
Quickly after this visit, on December 10th, a high level Egyptian delegation came to Paris to negociate a deal for 20 to 26 jets. On January 15th Dassault Aviation and MBDA CEO were in Cairo to try to finalize the deal. President al-Sissi, would have put 3 conditions for the contract to be signed : low cost, comfortable loan facilities and quick delivery of the first batch.
The last events of january 2015 would indicate that the 2 parties are very close to an agreement, but as always nothing is certain until the contract is formaly signed.
Interestingly, Egypt could then be the first Rafale export customer as for the Mirage 2000, 33 years earlier.

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